Facts, Stories and Truth in Mediation

  • Tuesday, October 23, 2018
  • 5:30 PM - 7:30 PM
  • Davenport's, 1925 Pawtucket Ave. East Providence, RI
  • 1


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 -Note Revised Date: TUESDAY, October 23, 2018 -

Rhode Island Mediators Association
Mediator Skills Series Workshop

"Facts, Stories and Truth in Mediation"

Prof. Bruce I. Kogan, Esq. will moderate a conversation on "The Roles and Impacts of Facts, Stories, and Truth in Mediation" 

Kristen Sloan Maccini, Esq. Attorney at Law, Board Member - Center for Mediation and Collaboration RI (CMCRI), and Member, RI Mediators Association.  

Frank P. Geremia, Principal, Mouthpeace Mediation LLC, Past Presiddent and a Co-Founder of Ri Mediators Association   

 Attendees will engage in an interactive discussion focusing on an article by 3 Law Professors: James Coben, Kenneth Fox, and Lela P. Love published in Dispute Resolution Magazine of the American Bar Association, Winter 2018.

The article is written in three distinct voices - one for each of the authors as they debate the competition among Facts, Stories and Truth within the context of Mediation and Dispute Resolution and more broadly in Society itself. 

Attendees are invited to read the article at  

      CLICK FOR ARTICLE TEXT            

This program is open to RIMA members and non-members alike, but is intended as an Intermediate/Advanced discussion among trained mediators who have some level of mediation experience.                                           
 1.5 MCLE Credits
-This program is designed to qualify for 1.5 credits. Attorneys seeking Rhode Island MCLE credit must apply via Appendix D on the RI Supreme Court Attorney Portal.
• 5:30  Networking and "Meet and Greet" 
• 5:50  Roundtable Discussion  
• Includes Light Sandwich fare, Soft Drinks, Coffee and Dessert.  
• Cash Bar Available  



About RIMA Trainings:

All RIMA trainings , whether referred to as a seminar, workshop, presentation or roundtable are designed to qualify for RIMA mediator CE's and may fully qualify for CE's for attorneys, social workers and certain other professionals.   

Programs are believed to qualify for the stated number of MCLE's because they:
(1) Present significant intellectual and practical content as to contribute to the growth of a participant's professional competence and skills;
(2) Present subject matter that is directly or supportively relevant to the practice of Mediation, Dispute Resolution, law and/or ethics;
(3) Are conducted by a person or persons qualified professionally to present the subject matter involved;
(4) When in-person, are presented in a classroom, meeting room, or lecture hall conducive to a meaningful educational experience;
(5) Include multi-modal fashion, utilizing oral presentations supplemented with written hand-outs and texts and visuals. All materials are believed to meet the highest professional standards in terms of their timeliness, organization, and detail; and
(6) Utilize video and audio presentations only as an adjunct to oral and written presentations.

Attorneys seeking Rhode Island MCLE credit must apply via Appendix D on the RI Supreme Court Attorney Portal. 

RIMA maintains a record of attendance, content, and completed participant's evaluations for each training.


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